The mission of ICMS’s Advanced Microscopy Facility (AMF) is to provide advanced microscopy techniques and state-of-the-art infrasctructure to both internal and external academic and industrial scientists. ICMS’s AMF specializes in advanced fluorescence, probe and correlative microscopy for quantitative analysis of new materials and biological samples. We welcome various forms of interactions through scientific collaboration with TU/e’s leading PI’s, technology workshops and demos, industrial consultation and collaboration through ICMS’s Industrial Consortium.
Abberior Expertline Super-resolution Microscope
Abberior Experline is a super-resolution STED fluorescence microscope. Excitation lines: 405, 488, 532, 640 nm. Depletion lines: 595 and 775 nm. Body: Olympus IX83. Okolab Top Stage Incubator for live cell imaging. Objectives: 100x, 20x. Two spectral APD’s for multicolor imaging.
Nikon N-STORM Super-resolution Microscope
Nikon N-STORM is equipped with Nikon Ti-E body, fully motorized TIRF, high NA TIRF objective and EMCCE camera for high-quality 2D and 3D single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) measurement and image reconstruction covering full excitation wavelength range from 405 nm to 637 nm and photoactivation functionality.
Oxford Nanoimager (ONI) Super-resolution Microscope
The ONI microscope is our benchtop super-resolution workhorse dedicated to various SMLM measurement for functional materials and live cells. Compact, yet robust and powerful, ONI is serving in our facility as a particularly useful tool for single-particle tracking (SPT) in live cells.
Custom-built Microscopy
We constantly develop and build custom microscopy systems for high-quality super-resolution and quantitative imaging for multidiscipinary questions. Example features include correlative super-resolution and atomic force microscopy, single-molecule spectral microscopy, and single-molecule orientation microscopy. With custom microscopy we answer questions that can not be solved by off-the-shelf microscopy systems.
Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM)
We design CLEM solutions for advanced material and biological samples. CLEM combines the best of both worlds in light and electron microscopy: light microscopy’s chemical specificity and high temporal resolution combined with electron microscopes’s ultrahigh spatial resolution. AMF works closely with the PI’s and support staff at Center for Multiscale Electron Microscopy at TU/e.
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
The Cypher ES is a state-of-the-art Atomic Force Microscope designed to scan surfaces and acquire topological images with sub-nm resolution in both dry and solution states. The system’s unique ‘BlueDrive’ excitation technology and closed-cell design provide users with the ability to easily setup experiments in a fully controlled environment, making it ideal for studying sensitive biological samples like cells. With a wide range of available measurement modes, the system does not only allow for mapping of the mechanical and rheological properties but also the sample’s electrical, magnetic and electrostatic characteristics, making it suitable for a broad spectrum of applications.