NWO Biophysics
NH Koningshof Locht 117, Veldhoven, NetherlandsNWO Biophysics is the annual Dutch conference on physics of life. ICMS researchers present often in this conference where they showcase latest results in microscopy research.
NWO Biophysics is the annual Dutch conference on physics of life. ICMS researchers present often in this conference where they showcase latest results in microscopy research.
ICMS ADVANCED ANALYSIS SEMINAR ON SINGLE MOLECULE LOCALIZATION MICROSCOPY (SMLM) Inauguration of the New Nikon-Abbelight Super-resolution Microscope at ICMS Advanced Microscopy Facility 10.00 Welcome by Yuyang Wang (ICMS) 10.05 Single Molecule Localization Microscopy: from concepts to applications (online) by Benjamin Compans (Sr. Field Applications Scientist) 10.45 Spatial molecular characterization of high-density biofunctionalized surfaces using DNA-PAINT… Read More »ICMS Advanced Analysis Seminar
A practical guide to microscopy imaging November 11th, 2024 15:00 - 16:45 Gemini-South, room 0.05 In our first seminar, we will concentrate on: Foundations: Anatomy of a microscope We will cover: Main microscope components and what they are for. How to read an objective description. Overview of light sources. Overview of detectors.
NEMI is pleased to invite you to the 2024 NEMI day, hosted at TU Delft on Tuesday 12 November 2024. This year’s theme will be ‘Frontiers of Electron Microscope Technology’. The programme will consist of three keynote speakers, contributed talks, a panel discussion, and a poster session, lunch and drinks.
The NL-Bioimaging & NVvM Yearly Meeting will take place at Naturalis, in Leiden.
The Erasmus OIC together with Abberior will organize a MinFlux Microscopy workshop Program includes: Lectures on MinFlux technology and sample preparation
Huygens_Workshop_TUe December 11, 2024, Eindhoven Campus A collaboration with the Laboratory for cell & tissue Engineering Program 09u30 – 10u30 Introductory Lecture: Deconvolution, imaging Pitfalls, Quality Control 10u45 – 12u15 Restoration session: Deconvolution, image metadata, crosstalk (bleedthrough) + additional restoration 13u00 – 16u00 Analysis session: Colocalization, object analysis, Tracking, 3D Visualization. 16u00 – 17u00 Opportunity to bring your… Read More »Huygens Workshop at TU Eindhoven – Sinterkerst edition